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Cosmetic Packaging Footprint

custom cosmetic packaging

The beauty industry is notorious for being one of the biggest environmental offenders, especially in creating plastic waste. The industry produces 120 billion units of packaging every year. This is a growing problem that key players have begun to address with the rise of alternative packaging solutions.

Small businesses also need to do their part in improving cosmetic packaging. Simple changes such as using recycled cardboard for your packaging help reduce your business's environmental impact. These small acts compound and create ripples that become bigger over time. Below are five tips you can use to reduce the carbon footprint of your cosmetic packaging:

5 Solutions To Reduce Your Cosmetic Packaging Footprint

  1. Use Sustainable Materials – One of the best ways to reduce your business’ carbon footprint is to use eco-friendly materials for your product packaging. Opt for sustainably-sourced materials, such as bamboo canisters, beeswax, or the corrugated cardboard we use for mailer boxes.
  2. Make It Easy To Recycle – It’s safe to say that most consumers have no qualms about recycling. It becomes a problem if it becomes a chore. Make recycling your product packaging simple, easy, and fuss-free. For example, most bottles need to be cleaned thoroughly before being recycled. Offering to have your business clean it and recycle it for them goes a long way.
  3. Offer Refills – Using plastic is unavoidable with some cosmetic products. Reduce your environmental impact by offering refilling services. This way, your product packaging doesn’t have to go to the trash immediately. With refillable containers, your packaging can last for months or even years.
  4. Offer Larger Sizes – While beauty products are generally packaged per piece and in small amounts, consider offering larger sizes to reduce waste. This only works with certain products, such as cleansers, lotions, and creams, but it goes a long way in helping minimize superfluous packaging.
  5. Champion Minimalism – Besides adding elegance, minimalism helps keep your product packaging simple. Going barebones with your product packaging keeps expenses low while minimizing waste. It’s a win for everyone.

Businesses need to be environmentally conscious and socially aware nowadays, especially with cosmetic packaging. The goal is to be, at the very least, carbon-neutral to minimize one’s footprint. Start simple. Recycle. Use sustainably-sourced boxes for packaging. Repurpose plastics. These small steps grow bigger over time and can help inspire others to do the same.

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